Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pictures of Parties Past - Part 1

One of my boys is an October baby and I decided when he turned three to take advantage of the fact that cheap Halloween stuff was everywhere and that he was too young to really care about his party theme.

Here are all the serving items and non-perishable food laid out well before the party started (thank you Party Planning Mom for that very useful tip):

And now here we have everything out once the party got going. On the menu: sub platters, deviled eggs, chips, mummy dogs, popcorn, M&M's, strawberries, marshmallows, pound cake (all to be dipped in chocolate), and of course, cupcakes!

Here's a close-up of some of the cupcakes. I made 48 all together.

Mummy dogs!

Decorations were kept pretty simple and straightforward - crepe paper, Halloween cutouts and orange and black balloons scattered on the floor for the kids to kick around. Halloween colors are so much fun I felt like the crepe paper was enough. These pictures unfortunately aren't all that great - I really didn't have a good vantage point to get a good overall view of everything. (Yes, those are my children hanging over the ledge)

We had just two activities - Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin and what I like to call "Un-Pinata." I admit that quite a few things we use for parties just end up in the trash, but I just can't get on board with buying a cute pinata expressly for the purpose of destroying it! :) Plus, I find that the whole pinata activity is either terribly anticlimactic or terribly violent. So I skip the pinata and sprinkle candy and little toys/treats all over the yard, then set the kids loose.

Now, I will say in retrospect, the game I should have played was "Who Can Keep Their Costume On the Longest?" lol Prizes definitely should have been awarded to the little ones who hung in and kept theirs on until the end of the party. :)

This is why

I know.

There are approximately nine bajillion party-related blogs/websites out there. So many amazingly talented people out there. So many incredible ideas. I don't really consider myself an innovator. But I made this last weekend.

And it came out really, really well.

And then I started thinking that maybe it might not be a bad idea to compile my creative endeavors into one place. Not everything has been a smashing success, but it's all been fun.

Thanks for stopping by.